5th November 2010 Meeting

Centre for the History of Philosophy (CHiPhi): Workshop on Ancient Philosophy, organised by the Yorkshire Ancient Philosophy Network, a research group within CHiPhi.

University of York.

Derwent College, D112 in the morning, Heslington Hall, HG21 in the afternoon.

Directions: Take the No. 4 bus from the railway station to the end of the line to find Derwent and Heslington Hall, which are adjacent to each other.


10.30-1.00: Reading Group

Republic II.376d-III.402d. (led by: Malcolm Heath; translation: Grube/Reeve, publ. Hackett)

1.00-2.00: Lunch

Own arrangements. Sandwiches available to buy in Derwent building.

2.00-3.15: Amber Carpenter (York)

“Judging Strives to be Knowing (Republic V)”

3.15-3.45: Coffee

3.45-4.45: Sarah Hegenbart (Leeds)

“Beauty as target for the cultivation of the virtues in Plato’s Phaedrus

4.45-6.15: George Boys-Stones (Durham)

“How Does the Stoic God Think?”

7.00: Dinner

venue: tba, York city centre, close to station.

If you are planning to attend the day and/or the dinner, please contact Amber Carpenter (adc503@york.ac.uk) as soon as possible to help planning.

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